Source code for

from import BaseTimelineStorage
from import RedisSortedSetCache
from import get_redis_connection
from stream_framework.utils.five import long_t
import six

[docs]class TimelineCache(RedisSortedSetCache): sort_asc = False
[docs]class RedisTimelineStorage(BaseTimelineStorage):
[docs] def get_cache(self, key): cache = TimelineCache(key) return cache
[docs] def contains(self, key, activity_id): cache = self.get_cache(key) contains = cache.contains(activity_id) return contains
[docs] def get_slice_from_storage(self, key, start, stop, filter_kwargs=None, ordering_args=None): ''' Returns a slice from the storage :param key: the redis key at which the sorted set is located :param start: the start :param stop: the stop :param filter_kwargs: a dict of filter kwargs :param ordering_args: a list of fields used for sorting **Example**:: get_slice_from_storage('feed:13', 0, 10, {activity_id__lte=10}) ''' cache = self.get_cache(key) # parse the filter kwargs and translate them to min max # as used by the get results function valid_kwargs = [ 'activity_id__gte', 'activity_id__lte', 'activity_id__gt', 'activity_id__lt', ] filter_kwargs = filter_kwargs or {} result_kwargs = {} for k in valid_kwargs: v = filter_kwargs.pop(k, None) if v is not None: if not isinstance(v, (float, six.integer_types)): raise ValueError( 'Filter kwarg values should be floats, int or long, got %s=%s' % (k, v)) # By default, the interval specified by min_score and max_score is closed (inclusive). # It is possible to specify an open interval (exclusive) by prefixing the score with the character ( _, direction = k.split('__') equal = 'te' in direction if 'gt' in direction: if not equal: v = '(' + str(v) result_kwargs['min_score'] = v else: if not equal: v = '(' + str(v) result_kwargs['max_score'] = v # complain if we didn't recognize the filter kwargs if filter_kwargs: raise ValueError('Unrecognized filter kwargs %s' % filter_kwargs) if ordering_args: if len(ordering_args) > 1: raise ValueError('Too many order kwargs %s' % ordering_args) if '-activity_id' in ordering_args: # descending sort cache.sort_asc = False elif 'activity_id' in ordering_args: cache.sort_asc = True else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized order kwargs %s' % ordering_args) # get the actual results key_score_pairs = cache.get_results(start, stop, **result_kwargs) score_key_pairs = [(score, data) for data, score in key_score_pairs] return score_key_pairs
[docs] def get_batch_interface(self): return get_redis_connection().pipeline(transaction=False)
[docs] def get_index_of(self, key, activity_id): cache = self.get_cache(key) index = cache.index_of(activity_id) return index
[docs] def add_to_storage(self, key, activities, batch_interface=None): cache = self.get_cache(key) # turn it into key value pairs scores = map(long_t, activities.keys()) score_value_pairs = list(zip(scores, activities.values())) result = cache.add_many(score_value_pairs) for r in result: # errors in strings? # anyhow raise them here :) if hasattr(r, 'isdigit') and not r.isdigit(): raise ValueError('got error %s in results %s' % (r, result)) return result
[docs] def remove_from_storage(self, key, activities, batch_interface=None): cache = self.get_cache(key) results = cache.remove_many(activities.values()) return results
[docs] def count(self, key): cache = self.get_cache(key) return int(cache.count())
[docs] def delete(self, key): cache = self.get_cache(key) cache.delete()
[docs] def trim(self, key, length, batch_interface=None): cache = self.get_cache(key) cache.trim(length)